Jim Harrington Bracket Nationals - Complete Results
Numidia, PA
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Northrop cashes in on Day 1, Bigley wins $50,000 Featured Event on Saturday and Fornwalt races himself in the final round of No Box on Sunday. Shrawder and Kohr also collect large at the Jim Harrington Bracket Nationals in Numida, PA.

dan northrop numidia bracket race

Former NHRA Super Gas World Champion and decorated Big Bucks Bracket Racer Dan Northrop defeated Adam Bochon in the $20k Friday race when Bochon was -.001 red in the final.

kyle bigley numidia pa bracket racing

Kyle Bigley won the "BIG" Check defeating Jesse Alberts in the $50,000 Main Event on Saturday, showing his talents at both ends of the track for 8 rounds capturing the weekend's top prize.

kyle kohr bracket racer

Kyle Kohr won the No Box race on Saturday, taking home $5k when he defeated James Young in the finals.

stace shrawder bracket racer

Stace Shrawder won on Sunday taking the $20,000 Big Check when he defeated Billy Duhs in the finals.

mike fornwalt bracket racer

On Sunday in No Box, Mike Fornwalt did what most all racers would love to accomplish in their career!  He raced himself in the finals and of course he won!  Congrats to Mike, what an accomplishment!!!

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