Affordable Auto Sales Super Pro
W: Darrell Wathen ('41 Willys) – 5.400, 126.14 (5.37 dial).
R/U: Adam Green ('98 Cavalier) - foul.
Semi's: Bobby Small ('93 Mustang).
EZ Buy Auto Sales Pro ET
W: Shane Smith ('69 Camaro) – 6.569, 98.22 (6.56 dial).
R/U: Billy Parrish ('81 Monte Carlo) – 7.272, 92.58 (7.24 dial).
Semi's: Michael Gibson ('85 Cutlass).
Windy Hollow Restaurant Heavy
W: Dave Cox ('79 Mustang) – 7.716, 87.04 (7.72 dial).
R/U: Marvin Poole ('70 Chevelle) – 8.818, 79.65 (8.85 dial).
Semi's: Wayne Kelley ('88 Pickup).
Pepsi Real Street
W: Nathan Snyder ('70 Pickup) – 8.651, 76.54 (8.62 dial).
R/U: Curt Menser ('83 Wagon) – 10.255, 70.31 (10.29 dial).
Semi's: Jim Bates ('97 Sunfire); Bob Jackson ('81 Ford pickup).
EZ Graphics Jr Dragster
W: Deidra Butterworth (Jr DRagster) – 12.028, 51.14 (11.97 dial).
R/U: Brittany Kelley ('97 Spitzer) – 8.040, 79.06 (8.05 dial).
Semi's: Kenneth Boucherie (Jr Dragster).
Kennedy Pharmacy Pro Bike
W: Greg Rowden ('00 Kawasaki) – 6.054, 113.36 (6.06 dial).
R/U: Jeremy Lovan ('00 Kawasaki) – 7.845, 92.36 (7.68 dial).
Semi's: Billyl Houghland (Kawasaki); Bobby Priest (Suzuki).
Cates Auto Parts Trophy Eliminator
W: Bart Boles (Dragster) – 5.159, 123.28 (5.13 dial).
R/U: David Prater ('70 Nova) – 7.482, 90.55 (7.45 dial).
Semi's: Jamie Chaney ('85 Camaro).
Coming this week at Windy Hollow Raceway
Fri May 28...93.9 WKTG Rock'n'Racing....street drags and test and tune 7 p.m.
Sat May 29...NHRA/Summit bracket racing series....King of the Track Qualifyer races 7:30
Sun May 30...1st Import Automotive Sunday Street drags and Jr Dragster Summer Series. 12 Noon.